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Su 8ball

  • Compleanno 15/02/1967

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Reputazione Forum

  1. 8ball

    1954 vm2

    ...At last I found a matching side cowl! but there´s more progress to be made soon - stay tuned
  2. 8ball

    1954 vm2

    That´s true - but the motor side panel is not VM but a later one (VL?) and also the colour is a little different. Problem is that it is narrower than the VM panels and so the original "copriventola" (is that the word?) does not fit...I have the GS (star shaped) one...
  3. 8ball

    1954 vm2

    Ciao, sorry, I can only post in English: I am Michael from Vienna, I have a 1954 VM2 (plus a 1957 German Messerschmitt GS3 and a Lambretta LI 3 125). My faro basso is quite in the original condition and I love riding it the way it is. I have been looking around for several parts in better paint condition (especially a cofano motore, see the ad section). Keep on rolling, Michael

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