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Su tascot

  • Compleanno 28/06/1968

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Reputazione Forum

  1. what "ditto" ? this is international language play
  2. Thatks, Take you meant ebay, but liked it better as you wrote it.
  3. Neropongo, Thanks, I lived in Spain 11 years so already had basis for "Latino", I have studied Italian, although nobody warned me that everyone speaks Dialetto just as well I studied French at school...
  4. Not so young scottish scooterist (1st national scooter rally Dumbar 1984), been out of the scene since 1996 is now gagging to get back on a Vespa. Do any of you have a P2 or PX to sell ? I am in the Piacenza area & have around 1000 Euro to spend (not a lot I agree) can find 2-3 hundred more for the right scoot, but has to be road legal & in good condition. Please contact me at

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Board startup date: September 04, 2017 19:43:09
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