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Su thatchrisburton

  • Compleanno 28/07/1973

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  1. Forget that question, I just found the Convenzione with FMI, now I just have to join FMI..... how long does it take?
  2. Yes, the ACI agency sounds much easier!! Will they also change the registro storico documents? And does anyone have any suggestions for insurance agencies in the Milano area? Thanks again, Chris.
  3. ok. I am going to look at one on Saturday, its already on the registro storico, now the question is what do I have to do to get it transfered into my name? And do you have any suggestions for insurance agencies? thanks Chris.
  4. ah ok, do you know what the changes are going to be? Do you know if they will have any affect on the types of scooters that are elegible for the register? Thanks Chris.
  5. Thanks for that, I think my bigest concern will be getting it on the hostorical register, I been reading through the post about it as best I can, is it best to go through FMI?
  6. Hi Everybody, I'm a new member and this is my first post.... I am currently living in Milan, and I'm about to buy my first vespa. I am looking for a 125, that is over 20 years old so that it can be registered and I can continue to use it, I have 2 questions really: 1: What are the basics to check for when buying a vespa 2: What should I check for to ensure that I can register it? Hope someone can help! Chris.

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